L2C online community has now over 600 members!
Our social media channel L2C.EU on Facebook has increased enormously over the past 6 months
L2C MOOC is now open!
Leadership for Change: Shared Leadership in Your School MOOC
SPW36 in the Future Classroom Lab
The 36th Science Projects Workshop in the Future Classroom Lab, organised by L2C, took place in Brussels, 24-25 January 2020.
Second Annual Workshop and Policy Meeting in Malta
The Maltese partner organized, between November and December, key activities for the L2C project
L2C National Policy Meeting and National Policy Dialogue
On 11 and 12 December, two important meetings were held at the Indire headquarters in Florence as part of the KA2 L2C project
The last school exchange visit: Junta Castilla y Leon
Within the framework of the KA2 Learning Leadership for Change, the last school visit for the Spanish partner
Educational Avant-gardes in Italy
IC Figline Valdarno hosted the last School Exchange meeting
Double School Exchange Meeting in Malta
During the month of October, two school exchange visits were organised by the Maltese partner St. Nicholas College. The visits were carried out between Dingli Secondary School and Rabat Middle School.
L2C meets Leonardo da Vinci at Fiera Didacta
L2C is presented on the third edition of the Fiera Didacta Italy, this year dedicated to Leonardo da Vinci
Second Flanders Leadership Workshop
The second Flemish Leadership Workshop on 25 September in the Future Classroom Lab