L2C Conference 2020

Watch the Online Conference LIVE on YouTube and join the teachers' webinar!

The L2C Learning Leadership for Change project aims to highlight, during its Online Conference 2020 on 26-27 November, how shared leadership in schools is a suited approach, especially in times of uncertainties, as a way to move forward collectively and in solidarity at the whole school level.

School leadership has been high on the reform agenda for decades and even more since the radical and accelerated changes in the 21st century societies, pleading for fundamental reform in education. School leadership is indeed a key lever to implement transformation at institutional level, especially in the context of increasing autonomy given to schools in the 90s.

As with almost all facets of our lives, the Covid-19 pandemic is causing huge disruptions in education, with the closure of schools in many countries and children having to study at home. During this crisis, we have seen an incredible amount of large-scale efforts to use technology in support of remote learning. At the same time, this crisis has exposed the challenges for technology in education, including many inequities starting at the lack of access to computers and the internet.

After participating in the L2C Online conference 2020, you will have a better understanding of how shared leadership in schools is a suited approach, especially, (while not only) in times of uncertainties, as a way to move forward collectively and in solidarity at the whole school level.

While registration to the event is not public, the conference will be live streamed on YouTube. More information regarding links and general agenda available directly here.

Furthermore, the 27 November is awaiting you with the Shared Leadership School Webinar from 16:00 to 17:00 CET, which will give you the chance to explore an event where teachers and school leaders exchange practices, guidelines, questions and much more. You can access on the day of the webinar following the Adobe Connect virtual room.

Watch the conference LIVE here at 14:30


Watch the conference LIVE at 14:30 also on





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