The L2C online community has now over 1,000 members!

The L2C Community bigger than ever

The KA2 Learning Leadership for Change Project achieved many accomplishments since its takeoff. Over the course of the programme, many teachers and school leaders exchanged practices during their national school visits, partly featured in the Shared Leadership in your School MOOC in February 2020. Let us not forget about engagements of the L2C Webinar "Shared Leadership Processes" and the numerous useful resources have been released within the Digital Repository.

Apart from the continuous updates on the portal, the L2C community has been growing over the past few months. Are you ready to hear the news?

We reached over 1,000 followers in our Facebook group! One thousand thank you for the support and for your interactions!

If you are not yet part of the community, go on Facebook, type and hit join!




To keep up-to-date join our Facebook group and follow on Twitter the hashtag #l2c_eu