Junta Castilla y León reaches the immersive Spanish countryside

Third Observation visit of Learning Leadership for Change for Spain

The IES Pablo Díez is a small high school with few students per class in the middle of the northern Spanish coutriside.

This third observation visit as part of KA3 Learning Leadership for Change focused on the didactic use of the natural environment surrounding the town which was used the source of inspiration to export STEM teachings to other motivating environments.

During the visit, the headteachers of each school and other members of each leadership team had the chance to share how they are implementing shared leadership in their schools and the benefits it is generating for their school system.

After the observation of the projects of IES PABLO DÍEZ from Boñar high school and the way their leadership team works, the rest of the schools are going to decide what aspects could be of application in their school and to incorporate what they consider more suitable for their setting and leadership needs. Besides, the enrichment of getting to know the different project of each school is enormous.

The next job shadowing visit will be in November in the two high schools from Valladolid: IES Arca Real and IES Antonio Tovar.


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